It gives you the ability to insert, update, delete rows of a table. 使您可以插入、更新、删除表行。
A row in a database table should be modeled as an entity bean instance only if there is a requirement that a client frequently query/ update/ delete the rows. 只有在需要客户机频繁查询/更新/删除数据库表中的行时,才应该把表中的行建模为实体bean实例。
In general, however, you don't want to delete all rows from a table; instead, you'll selectively delete rows. 但是,一般地,您不希望删除表中的所有行;而是有选择地删除行。
Now that you know how to add and delete rows, let's try building a simple application that demonstrates this in practice. 现在您已经了解了如何添加和删除行,接下来让我们尝试构建一个简单的应用程序来进行实际演示。
You also can update and delete rows using the Data API. 还可以使用DataAPI更新和删除行。
It is a good practice to delete any pruned rows from the table that you loaded in order to ensure that you do not load duplicate rows into the table at a later time. 从您装载的表中删除被修剪过的行,确保以后不会将重复的行装载到表中,这是一种很好的做法。
In this case, they can issue a SELECT statement to identify rows that qualify then DELETE those rows. 在这种情况下,他们可以发出一条SELECT语句来识别符合条件的行,然后再DELETE那些行。
While a regular DELETE would delete the rows, it would not actually cause DB2 to recycle the space. 虽然常规的DELETE将删除这些行,但是它不会真正让DB2回收这些空间。
To avoid analyzing duplicate records, you delete rows from the CHECKING table with a timestamp greater than the one you pruned the pruned the audit log with 为了避免分析重复的记录,从CHECKING表中删除时间戳大于一个指定的、用于修剪日志的时间戳的行
The DELETE statement deletes all rows from the specified table that satisfy an optional WHERE clause. DELETE语句从指定表中删除满足可选WHERE子句的所有行。
This can really help performance by setting the following option: not logged on commit delete rows. 可以通过设置以下选项来提高性能:notloggedoncommitdeleterows。
Where the two definitions differ can be seen when an attempt is made to delete rows from multiple parent tables that are referenced by a single child. 当试图从单个子表引用的多个子表中删除行时,就可以看出这两个定义的不同。
For example, you can delete rows containing information about carpoolers who live in a specific city or update XML ( and non-XML data) only for carpoolers whose carpool's start time is within in a given time. 例如,可以删除包含居住在特定城市的合伙用车者的相关信息的行,或者只更新合伙用车的开始时间在某个给定时间段内的合伙用车者的XML(和非XML数据)。
Rollout is the ability to delete a set of related data as a unit, with minimal logging, without having to delete individual rows. Rollout是指将一组相关的数据作为一个单元一起删除,涉及很少的日志记录,并且不必逐行删除。
Generate stored procedures that insert, update, or delete rows. 生成插入、更新或删除行的存储过程。
You can modify the database by editing values in the cells of the grid, and you can add or delete rows. 可以通过编辑该网格单元格中的值对数据库进行修改,而且可以添加或删除行。
You can delete multiple rows in one operation by using a delete query. 使用删除查询可在一次操作中删除多行。
For example, a package can group tasks that delete and add rows in a database table, and then commit or roll back all the tasks when one fails. 例如,包可以将在数据库表中删除和添加行的任务分组到一起,然后当其中一个任务失败时提交或回滚所有任务。
Delete all rows from the Department table. 删除department表的所有行。
To delete a table and its contents, select the table, and then click Delete Rows on the Table menu. 如果要删除表格及其内容,可选定表格,然后单击表格菜单中的删除行命令。
To delete rows in a heap and deallocate pages, use one of the following methods. 若要删除堆中的行并释放页,请使用下列方法之一。
Note: Do you ever suffer from the PLAN_TABLE growing too big as developers fail to delete old rows from the table? 注意:有没有为PLANTABLE增长太快而开发人员不从表中删除旧行而痛苦?
If no where clause appears, the delete statement remove all rows in the table. 如果未出现任何where子句,则delete语句将删除表中所有的行。
Do not delete the rows from the consolidated database; rather, mark them for deletion. 不要从统一数据库中删除行;而应将其标记为待删除。
The DELETE statement is used to delete rows in a table. DELETE声明常用来删除表中的数据。
DELETE deletes rows that satisfy the WHERE clause from the specified table. DELETE从指明的表里删除满足WHERE子句的行。
Cannot delete rows from the SharePoint list. 无法从sharepoint列表删除行。
Can also be used to delete rows or columns, and alter the form of storage of some matrices matrix. 还可以用来删除行或列,和改变矩阵数据集的存储方式。
You can delete rows from this table for remote tables you do not wish to migrate. 对于不想迁移的远程表,您可以从此表中删除相应的行。
Combining suitable insert and delete requests for rows into update requests. 将相应的行插入和删除请求组合为更新请求。